our mission

Finding Safe Shelter for Vulnerable Populations

Everyone deserves a safe and comfortable place to stay, and we are dedicated to making that a reality.

person scratching off a state on a scratch off map of the USA
John, Matt, and Paige at the Chicago Innovation awards
Group shot of members of our Safe Stays team
Woman with half of face blurred to represent an alias
A Safe Stays team member sitting at a booth for Safe Stays
two women in front of a Safe Stays table at a conference
image of two women standing in front of a presentation at a conference
two women in front of a Safe Stays table at a conference
our awards

Work Like Ours Doesn't Go Unnoticed

Fast Company's Most Innovative Company of 2022 AwardChicago Innovation Award for 2022CHPA's Company of the Year AwardFast Company's World Changing Ideas 2022 Award

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